This page provides some of the educational materials that Abbie and her colleagues have developed for various courses. Please feel free to use these materials and adapt as needed. Please reference appropriately.
Building Performance: Safety, Sustainability, Society, and Style
A blog describing all of the activities in this seminar class is provided here.
In addition, this page provides access to the following handouts and information. This information accompanies a paper about the course that will appear in the 2016 American Society of Engineering Education conference proceedings.
Laboratory Assignments
1) Photos of the Eiffel tower - including connection details - showing how we built the structure out of K'nex for one of the laboratory assignments. For the laboratory assignment for the Eiffel tower lab, please email me directly.
2) Lab assignment for LEED evaluation of campus dormitory.
3) Lab assignment for construction of concrete shell structures.
4) Lab assignment for SimCity lab.
Writing Assignments
Details for all writing assignments are provided here.
Problem Sets
1) Problem set on structural analysis.
2) Problem set on evaluating building environmental impact analysis.
Term Project
This link includes the materials distributed to students for the term project.
Survey of Building Preferences
This survey was administered as a pre and post survey for the course.
Probability, Statistics and Decision in Civil Engineering
In 2015, this course included a service-learning option. Handouts provided to students are provided here. This information accompanies a paper about the course that will appear in the 2016 American Society of Engineering Education conference proceedings.
2) Service-learning: report and presentation requirements