Jan. 13, 2017: Now updated with some photos!
Rob Chase, Sarah Welsh-Huggins, Juan Olarte and Travis Marcilla
Sarah Welsh-Huggins
Travis Marcilla
Meera Raghunandan and Sarah Welsh-Huggins
Next week, research group members Dr. Sarah Welsh-Huggins, Dr. Taojun Liu, Dr. Orlando Arroyo, Travis Marcilla, Robert Chase, and Juan Olarte, and former group member Dr. Meera Raghunandan, will be in Santiago, Chile, presenting work at the World Conference in Earthquake Engineering.
We will be presenting the following papers:
Potential for Damage to Brittle Structures in Induced Earthquakes - Presented by Robert Chase
Critical Structural Weaknesses Exposed in Older RC Wall-Frame Buildings during the Christchurch Earthquakes - Presented by Travis Marcilla
Benefits of Lateral Strength in terms of Residual Capacity - Poster presented by Meera Raghunandan
Aftershock Collapse Vulnerability of an Older Reinforced Concrete Frame - Presented by Meera Raghunandan
Building Collapse and Life Endangerment Risks from Induced Seismicity in the Central and Eastern United States - Presented by Taojun Liu
Structural Models for Centrifuge Testing of Liquefaction-Related Building Damage - Presented by Juan Olarte
Seismic Vulnerability of Reinforced Concrete Hillside Buildings in Northeast India - Presented by Sarah Welsh-Huggins
Simplified Seismic Evaluation of Older Concrete Buildings for Collapse Potential - Presented by Travis Marcilla
Seismic Collapse Analysis of RC Framed Structures using the Gradient Inelastic Force-Based Element Formulation - Presented by Petros Sideris
Assessing the Benefits of Eigenfrequency Optimization for Designing Concrete Moment Frame Buildings - Presented by Orlando Arroyo